Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Red 2

Most of what Hollywood considers comedy these days ain't. Current humor seems to depend on embarrassing the characters and you're expected to laugh at their discomfort. That ain't funny to me.

The critics seem to be fairly harsh in regard to Red 2 calling it a poor action film. Well they're poor critics because Red 2 isn't an action film so much as it is a comedy. The action is secondary to the laughs. The laughs are based on the characters and the situations they're placed in not embarrassing and belittling them. The action scenes are well done and all the actors are at the top of their game and clearly having a grand time making this movie. But it's achievement is it's funny and Hollywood don't do that like it used to. Go see it. Laugh.

Also I'd like to see a Helen Mirren/Victoria solo flick. She's frickin' hot.

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