Tim Carney: Obama should blame Tea Party, not NRA, for gun control defeat
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Gun owners vote. Our opponents, not so much.
Shoot me now please...
Ponsoldt To Helm Hillary Clinton BiopicThe key here is "Hillary Clinton Biopic". Propaganda for 2016. FMTT.
Another link.
Have you ever wanted to see a Hollywood biopic about the budding romance between young Bill & Hillary?Jennifer Lawrence? I'd hope she has more taste.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Dem Rep. Maloney: Tougher gun control could prevent future terror attack
NC: HB 937 Restaurant Carry [and other things]...
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Maybe instead of asking the Senate opponents of Manchin/Toomey...
Fairness my ass.
Friday, April 26, 2013
As a rule I take most of what comes...
This rings true to me, and Rubio, much as I like him, isn't enough to counter-balance the other assholes in the gang of eight that came up with this thing. Charles Schumer is smack in the middle of it, and I class everything he does as a threat to my life and liberty no matter how benign it may seem on the surface.
So let your representatives know where you stand.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Stephen King is lending his name and monetary support...
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
UPDATE: 8th grade student suspended, arrested over gun t-shirt
West Virginia teen returns to school with NRA shirt, classmates’ support...with a bit more information on what actually happened. The kid got arrested for disrupting the educational process and obstructing an officer. It was the teacher that caused a scene and disrupted the "educational process" and the obstruction charged resulted because the kid refused to comply with an order the cop had no right to issue, which was to take off his NRA shirt.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Color me suprised.
Report: Suspects had no gun licensesSo the usual suspects will start demanding more gun control because what they had already didn't work in 3...2...1....
Do you ever wish you could reach though the TV screen and slap someone?
Me too.
H/T to John.
On the new Immigration bill

Sunday, April 21, 2013
Is that the best you can do?
About 100 people gathered outside Schumer's Manhattan office to praise his work cracking down on guns and vowed to push on despite the defeat of a measure to expand background checks for gun purchases.Ninty percent of Americans may support your agenda Chuck, but if that turnout is any indication they don't seem to care enough to give their time to the cause. Unlike these folk.

H/T to Thirdpower.
Some punchlines write themselves...
“At the direction of authorities, select Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants in the Boston area are open to take care of needs of law enforcement and first responders,” spokeswoman Lindsay Harrington explained via email. “We are encouraging our guests to state home today and abide by the lockdown, per the Governor’s recommendation.”
H/T to the Cajun.
Blood Dancing
*OK, well, I realize they're in short supply on Congress. An adult from anywhere will do.
**...and the something useful may be nothing at all. Kinda stupid to ban black powder when you can make it in the shed out back.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
In West Virginia, no less...
8th grade student suspended, arrested over gun t-shirtHe was wearing an NRA t-shirt with an image of a rifle on it. I wonder if it was the image of the rifle or the NRA logo that pissed the teacher off more. The school dress code doesn't prohibit images of firearms on clothing. That's a bureaucrat for you. Make it up as you go along.
As to whether school administrators violated his First Amendment rights, depends.
H/T to Uncle.
Friday, April 19, 2013
NC H956 – Regulate Ownership of Aggressive Dog Breeds
.jpg)
This is nanny state bullshit. It also smells of an attempt to target certain demographics much like gun control did in years past*. This bill would also impact those with lower incomes unable to afford the permits and insurance. Again, it's targeting certain demographics. Maybe I'm jumping the shark a bit on some of this but, the nanny state requires opposition whenever it rears it's ugly head. This bill needs to die. Call your representatives and tell them what you want.
Sean has the bill's language here.
*That's code. Figure it out.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
NC H976: A Gun Prohibitionist's Wet Dream
Gun Related Bills in North Carolina 2013-2014
It ain't over...
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Angry O
It'd probably piss me off too.
Via Drudge.
Hey, Mayor Mikey!
It's sad that twenty-four million don't buy what it used to isn't it, and yes, you are full of shit.Today's vote is a damning indictment of the stranglehold that special interests have on Washington. More than 40 U.S. senators would rather turn their backs on the 90 percent of Americans who support comprehensive background checks than buck the increasingly extremist wing of the gun lobby. Democrats - who are so quick to blame Republicans for our broken gun laws - could not stand united. And Republicans - who are so quick to blame Democrats for not being tough enough on crime - handed criminals a huge victory, by preserving their ability to buy guns illegally at gun shows and online and keeping the illegal trafficking market well-fed. Senators Manchin and Toomey - as well as Majority Leader Reid and Senators Schumer, Kirk, Collins, McCain and others - deserve real credit for coming together around a compromise bill that struck a fair balance, and President Obama and Vice-President Biden deserve credit for their leadership since the Sandy Hook massacre. But even with some bi-partisan support, a common-sense public safety reform died in the U.S. Senate at the hands of those who are more interested in attempting to protect their own political careers - or some false sense of ideological purity - than protecting the lives of innocent Americans. The only silver lining is that we now know who refuses to stand with the 90 percent of Americans - and in 2014, our ever-expanding coalition of supporters will work to make sure that voters don't forget.
That can't be true...
Gallup: Only 4% of Americans Think Gun Control is an Important ProblemIs their bias showing much?Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country, according to Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy, unemployment and the federal debt.
For The Children
We're supposed to support and urge passage of gun control legislation that strips American's of their civil rights "for the children". What you're pushing hasn't worked and didn't save any lives in Newtown. Why should I trust that your new gun control will work any better. I'm concerned for the "children" as well. I support gun rights. The difference is mine approach works and yours blows.
So who's getting more bang for their bucks?
Sen. Feinstein: ‘NRA Money Stops My Gun Bans.’ Reality: ‘Bloomberg Alone Spent Same Amount.’
She thinks voting for Toomey/Manchin...
Kay Hagan To Support Manchin-Toomey Background Check BillShe's doing it for the children. In 2014 I'll return the favor...for my children.
For a change of pace...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
I've been busting my butt...
Jay Mohr Calls for Gun Ban in Wake of Boston BombingWhat's Jay Mohr's excuse?
Monday, April 15, 2013
Kerry: Foreign students 'scared' of guns in U.S.
The “Pro-Gun” Provisions of Manchin-Toomey are Actually a Bonanza of Gun Control
The limit on creating a registry applies only to the Attorney General (and thus to entities under his direct control, such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives). By a straightforward application of inclusio unius exclusio alterius it is permissible for entities other than the Attorney General to create gun registries, using whatever information they can acquire from their own operations. For example, the Secretary of HHS may consolidate and centralize whatever firearms records are maintained by any medical or health insurance entity. The Secretary of the Army may consolidate and centralize records about personal guns owned by military personnel and their families.Then there is the section that allows physicians to enter people into the NICS database without providing prior notification or due process of any kind.
This thing needs to die on the floor. the people who wrote it are not our friends. We need to kick the politicians among them to the curb.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Alan Gottlieb claims that he and his staff...
Friday, April 12, 2013
Like Bill Watterson would ever let them make it...
Toomey-Manchin will allow Attorney General Holder to create a gun registry. Wait. Isn't there that bit forbidding a federal gun registry with criminal penalties if some bureaucrat makes one? Why yes there is, but then that pesky word notwithstanding pops up after the ban on registries and before Holder's power to write regulations. Notwithstanding is kinda like the word but. You use it and it negates whatever precedes it. But of course that's not Schumer's, I mean Toomey or Manchin's intention, and Holder would never take advantage of a turn of phrase. Right?
Kill the bill.
H/T to Bob.
Two Opinions
Regarding today’s earlier vote, I was pleased Senate leadership agreed to unlimited debate and amendments; that has always been my threshold for voting to allow legislation to be considered. Given that understanding, the issue can receive a full and open debate, amendments, and an amendment process with multiple opportunities to stop, alter, or kill the legislation.Some gun rights people are of the opinion that the debate will allow the bill to be seen for what it is and its supporters to shoot themselves in the foot thus allowing it to be killed. The other opinion is gun prohibitionists are untrustworthy pricks with no honor. They will lie, cheat, and pull whatever shenanigans they can get away with to further their cause. So we don't give them the chance and fight them tooth and nail from the beginning. If you can keep it off the floor with a filibuster THAT is what you do.
I lean strongly toward the second opinion. If this bill passes because Senator Burr and eight other so called supporters of the Second Amendment called it wrong...well, time will tell.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
It's called a slippery slope...
...you twit, and you're pushing us further down the slope.
H/T to John.
Seems to me the American People...
FBI Conducting 32 Gun Purchase Background Checks Per Minute Under Obama
Well then, we can leave things as they are ...
Senators urge background checks for gun shows, Internet sales ahead of key test vote
Clearly Joe, your opinion of gun owners is no better than ours is of you.
“Kinda scary man, the black helicopter crowd is really upset,” Biden said, criticizing the National Rifle Association for promoting a “misinformation campaign” on background checks.Case in point, your own DOJ has said universal background checks won't work without a central gun registry. You keep lying to us Joe. Why should we believe a damn thing you say? You are a condescending prick and liar.Biden insisted that there would be no central registry for background checks allowing government to keep records on gun owners.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
It's called honesty.
Senator To Newtown Families: The Gun Debate Has Nothing To Do With YouH/T to Uncle.
The pressure is on.
Guide to gun legislation on Capitol Hill TuesdayAdd to it. Call or email your Senators today. Now. This minute. Do it lots. We have to shout louder than the prohibitionists. We don't have the MSM on our side.
I suggest a cage match...
Man Faces Charges After Defending Himself from a Bear in His Own Yard
Obama on Gun Control: 'This Is Not About Politics' ...Unless You Disagree With MeMister President, nothing that comes out of your mouth is NOT politics. Your demand is that we set aside our natural concerns and trust you to not fuck us over when that's all you've done while sitting on your ass in the White House. Your arrogance is utterly expected and any elected official who supports you will find himself facing the anger of gun owners come next election. What an arrogant prick. Oh and don't tell me I should respect the office. There's not been a resident of that office since, possibly, Ronald Reagan that wouldn't have sold my rights down the river at the first opportunity if he didn't realize there would have been repercussions. The elder Bush fucked us over when he'd lost his campaign for a second term and banned exports of certain semi-automatic weapons. Clinton thought he could ignore gun owners with an assault weapons ban and Congress paid the price for his folly. Bush the Younger as much as said he would have signed an assault weapons ban if it had made it to his desk. Congress saved him from his arrogance. Mr. President, who is going to save you from yours?
Now that's funny.
Vladimir Putin appears to have at last found a form of anti-government protest that he can support....and...
Protesting Vladimir Putin with nudity is akin to threatening Barack Obama with a round of golf. Asked later about the incident, Putin said that he “liked it.” The protesters called him a “dictator,” but he claimed not to have been able to make out what they were saying. Still, while the demonstration utterly failed to abash Putin–who also gave one of the Femen girls two thumbs up–it did have some entertainment valueHilarious.
Monday, April 8, 2013
I know what I hope is true.
PoliceOne’s Gun Policy & Law Enforcement surveyThe survey was conducted between March 4 and March 13, 2013. More than 15,000 law enforcement officers, current and retired, took the survey. If this survey translates to the law enforcement community as a whole it clearly shows most do not support the gun control legislation being debated in the Senate and realize if passed that legislation will have no effect on gun violence. Now the truth be told, how a law enforcement officer answers questions in a survey doesn't really indicate what he'll do when the boss tells him to enforce unconstitutional laws. I know what I hope is true.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Forty-Six Cases of Treason
In sane times, those who committed open treason were executed. Now, we will be lucky if we can vote them out of office. These 46 traitors are not merely fools, but enemies of the American people, regardless of how many semiconscious morons the media can dupe into voting for them:
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
NY Times Touts Misleading Liberal Gun Violence ReportBusiness as usual from the Left.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
I'm a Grandpa...
Friday, April 5, 2013
...because the police are better trained and can be trusted more than other citizens...
Off-duty officer suspended after gun discharges in strip club restroomHe was in a strip club's restroom when his "Glock handgun accidentally fired". Instead of reporting the matter immediately he paid his tab and when home where he was later found with an odor of alcohol about him. Better trained and trusted? Yeah, right.
Serves 'em right
Beretta Leaves Maryland Because Of Stricter Gun LawsWhen ideology trumps practicality who can blame a business for voting with its feet.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The face of gun control
CO Democrat Doesn't Understand High-Capacity Magazines Can Be ReloadedThat's on par with McCarthy's "shoulder thingy that goes up" bit. Ignorance.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Well of course they did...
U.N. passes sweeping international arms regulation viewed by some as Second Amendment override...and of course it is. We shall see what happens to it in the Senate.
Obama’s continued use of the claim that 40 percent of gun sales lack background checksHe'll do whatever it takes to pursue his agenda.
H/T to Uncle.
In the end the liberal always resorts to...
H/T to David.