Monday, April 29, 2013

Dem Rep. Maloney: Tougher gun control could prevent future terror attack

Neither of the Boston Bombers had a permit to purchase or possess firearms in Massachusetts. Without a permit what guns they had had to have been obtained illegally. In fact, they murdered a police officer in an attempt to get a gun for Bomber, the Younger. So tell me, Representative Maloney, how this act of terror could take place in a State with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation if gun control was the answer to preventing such acts of terror. Tell me how barring people on the terror watch list from buying a firearm would have made a difference. Tell me how barring people from exercising a constitutional right because they are on a list they were placed on at a bureaucrat's whim without due process of any sort will do anything but push your anti-gun agenda. It certainly won't make us any safer.

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