Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Poor Man's Assault Rifle."

If you can afford $881 for a Mini-14 you ain't poor. Then again I think I define such terms as poor, rich, fair, and common-sense rather differently than the typical left liberal twits just as I know I define the term "assault rifle" differently than do Josh Sugarman and the twits at the Violence Policy Center. Actually, I wish it were the "poor man's assault rifle". Then I'd be able to afford one.

H/T to John R.


Secesh said...

For that kind of money you could get a real AR. I've never shot a mini-14 but the reviews say thay're not very accurate.

kahr40 said...

I've got an AR. I put it together from parts at a cost of about $400. It's a poor man's AR for real. Also an excellent weapon with which I'm perfectly happy.