Wednesday, October 11, 2017

From Our "Friends" the Republicans

HR 3999 - The "Bipartisan" Answer To S.1916 Is A Trojan Horse
The pertinent section of the bill.
(a) PROHIBITION.—Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(aa) It shall be unlawful for any person—
‘‘(1) in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, to manufacture, possess, or transfer any part or combination of parts that is designed and functions to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle but does not convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun; or
‘‘(2) to manufacture, possess, or transfer any such part or combination of parts that have been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.’’.
As I said in an earlier post in reference to Feinstein's bill, It is not specific enough as to what it will prohibit. It is too open to interpretation by our enemies and can be made to refer to pretty much anything that improves the operation of a semi-automatic rifle. It has a built in slippery slope. So, not just no, Hell no. Isn't it nice to know we have friends in the Republican party? Call your representatives and let them know the cost of screwing us.

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