Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Morning After...

So are we any better off today than yesterday?

Looks like the margin of fraud will keep Malloy and Hickenlooper in office. The Billionaires won in Washington State, but we already knew that money can buy elections as long as it's enough money. I'm sure Bloomberg learned a lot from his fellows in Washington State. My question is how much of their money are they willing to part with. At least anti-gun Brown was kicked to the curb in Maryland of all places.

Republicans took the Senate. This is a mixed blessing at best. They'll screw us in a heartbeat the moment they think they don't need us any more. Wait, let me rephrase that..."the moment they don't fear us any more." Remember these are establishment Republicans. They suffer from the "I know better than you do" delusion of their Democrat Progressive brethren.

I worry the question isn't whether we'll be fucked but when.

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