Friday, September 4, 2009

President Obama wants to... to our children. I have some problems with this but its not with the speech. From what I've heard its basically a work hard and set goals for your future yak, and it won't hurt most of them to hear it. He ain't the first Prez to do it and, hell I home school my young ones. That means I get to indoctrinate my kids and I doing a damn fine job if I do say so myself. problems with this "learning experience" is that Obama is making this speech to a captive audience, and that audience remains captive afterwards when the teachers start presenting the lesson plan provided by the White House. That, no matter what content is in the lesson plans, is out of line and, considering Obama's MO through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, indoctrination.

Mr. Prez, leave our kids alone. We'll indoctrinate them ourselves with the ism of our choice.

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