Friday, September 3, 2021

There Will Be Blood in the Streets

Constitutional Carry Won’t Make Texas More Dangerous, Gun Opponents Are Just Blowing Smoke
No there won't. Constitutional Carry hasn't lead to an increase on gun violence in the nineteen other states that passed it. It won't in Texas either. The only way Gun Haters can make gains is by stoking fear. It's what they do. Ignore them.

1 comment:

Billll said...

You can't ignore the haters. There's a large bunch of people in the middle who don't own guns, and don't care one way or another on the issue. If all they hear is how dangerous guns are, they'll tend to vote for the phoney "safety". They need to hear our side, ideally just as often, or at least regularly enough to recognize the grabbers POV as so much malarkey.