Friday, September 21, 2018

Recently Read

Hitler's War by Harry Turtledove

This is the first in Turtledove's The War That Came Early series. I burned out on Turtledove a short time after How Few Remain was published. I loved his Guns of the South and Worldwar series but can pretty much take or leave anything else he's written. They seem to much alike to me. This one of his alternate histories. The point of divergence is Hitler invades Czechoslovakia before the British and French can roll over and give it to him for "peace in our time." It is to Turtledove usual quality which is way above average. If you like his stuff you will like this. Me, I'm still trying to decide whether I'll followup with the rest of the series. I'd also note that even at eight years old the publisher wants $11.99 for the Kindle edition. That's too high. Go to the library instead.

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