And other than it honors a great woman the gun would drive Bloomberg and Watts batshit.
Pelosi Condemns Antifa ViolenceI agree. Anitifa are are the modern version of reconstruction era night riders, masks and all.
Gun Range Ends Ladies’ Night After Man Threatens Legal Action for DiscriminationThe idea is to build our numbers not get butt hurt over the thought that someone else might be getting something you aren't.
Yelling ‘Wolf’ in a Crowded Theater? Nancy Pelosi Flunks Constitutional Law
‘Kicking and Screaming’ D.C. Attorney Asks En Banc Review of CCW CaseThat pretty much describes it. The elected trash and appointed bureaucrats of DC will resist reasonable gun control with their last breath. The problem is they will probably get what they want. The DC Court of Appeals is stacked with Obama appointees. Then we will have to hope the Court decides to hear an appeal.
The ACLU's Twitter account gets a lesson in political correctnessYes Dear, people really are that stupid.
Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann ParkI'd like to place this fool in the lap of ANTIFA but I think, in truth, he's probably nuts and just likes to blow shit up. Then again...
Christopher Columbus monument vandalized in Baltimore
R.I.P. Comedian Jerry LewisI grew up watching his movies on television. I liked his collaborations with Dean Martin most. As a kid I loved the silliness of his solo projects. As an adult, not so much. Rest in peace, sir. Rest in peace.
‘Historians will weep and rage’: The Left is NOT happy about the committee Trump just disbandedAnother campaign promise kept. Unusual for a politician. Mostly they forget what they said once they step into office. However much I might dislike Trump, he didn't.And from the post...
Now that Trump has done this, the United States will surely go dark on Monday afternoon.
Don’t overthink this, because it’s quite simple, really. When Democrats’ national position depended on unwavering support from “the Solid South,” we got lots of pro-Southern propaganda: the Lost Cause, Gone With The Wind, Disneyfied Uncle Remus, etc. As a vital Democrat constituency group, southerners, even practical neo-Confederates, were absolved of all sins as long as they stayed in line.Now the South isn’t “solid” anymore — or, more accurate, it’s becoming pretty solidly Republican — so rather than receiving cultural dispensations, it now gets targeted for cultural warfare.
That’s all that’s going on here. It has nothing to do with morality or decency, any more than it did a half-century or more ago when the national cultural machine took a different position. It’s just politics by other means. The rest is just noise.
Is this analysis highly cynical? Yes. But still probably not cynical enough.
The VA State Police basically called Gov. Terry McAuliffe a liar
Chicago pastor: It’s time to take George Washington’s name off of public parksEnding ‘White Supremacy’ Requires Erasure of Washington and Jefferson, Says Antifa Supporter
Let's Get Rid Of Mount Rushmore
Black Lives Matter Activists Float Criminalization of Confederate Imagery
Can’t Both Sides Lose?I'm damn well tired of the Left telling me I must except culpability for the actions of a few racist assholes while they refuse to except responsibility for their own racist assholes. I'm part of neither.
Piers Morgan: Time to Limit Second and First Amendments
Everytown Calls for More Gun Control Following Charlottesville Car Attack
You can’t stop some crazy guy who came here from Ohio and used his car as a weapon. He is a terrorist. - Governor Terry McAuliffeWould he have used his car as a weapon if the police had done their job and stepped in before the violence broke out? Here's another thought. McAuliffe knew this event was planned. Based on the Left's response in the recent past to such, why the hell didn't he have more police and/or National Guardsmen standing by? Do you think maybe he was looking for his own Reichstag moment. It's not like the Left hasn't been trying to use mass shootings for that purpose for years. Just saying...
Now, as to Nazis and Antifa/Communists fighting it out? Can't say I care one bit as long innocent bystanders don't get caught up in it.
I'm just going to say it. #NRA & @DLoesch are quickly becoming domestic security threats under President Trump. We can't ignore that.
— Kathleen Rice (@RepKathleenRice) August 11, 2017
Number of #NRA gatherings that have had to be broken up by riot police this decade: 0.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) August 11, 2017
Written in the sprit of a Heinlein juvenile, this tells the story of several teenagers involved in a internet show based on the moon who have to find a way to survive during a solar flare. It's good and your kids will probably enjoy it. Recommended.
FREAK OUT: Walmart Hangs 'Back-to-School' Banner Near Gun DisplayObviously, there is no relation between the sign and the firearms below it. Wal-Mart isn't trying to sell guns to school age children but until stores like Wal-Mart start telling the perpetually offended to bugger off these sorts of antics will continue. Enough already.
Federal Bill Seeks To Block Sales Of Pistols Lacking Microstamping TechnologyDead on arrival.
JUST IN: Google has fired an employee who wrote a memo blasting the web company’s diversity policies
— Bloomberg (@business) August 8, 2017
New @Google logo.
— Mr Мaitra (@MrMaitra) August 8, 2017
Break-in suspect shot, man in home charged
“Smart guns” and SAGA. The Second Amendment fight drags on
This is the latest in Anderson's Destroyermen series. There hasn't been a bad or midlin' one yet. Capt. Reddy and his companions continue the war against the Grik, Kurokawa, and the Dominion. Good stuff. Always highly recommended.
Texas woman shoots, kills home intruder
Robert A. Heinlein: The Man Who Loved WomenI stopped caring about what anyone on the Left thought about Heinlein years ago. Most purposely misinterpret his works to make him into what he wasn't. Best just to ignore them.
Katie Couric is out of a $10 million-per-year job at Yahoo NewsHeh. That's gotta hurt.