Thursday, October 2, 2014

Somehow Misfired?

Sources say he was in a classroom for a demonstration of how to break down and clean his service weapon. They say an experienced state police firearms instructor was handling a gun that somehow misfired.
There is so much fail hidden in those two sentences, but I sorta suspect it boils down to a rule two violation and testing a recently reassembled weapon with a chambered round.

When you're teaching your students to break 'em down and put them back together maybe the best place for live ammo for both students and instructors is someplace other than the classroom. Just saying...


Wolfman said...

I'm curious at what point 'misfire' got spun around by the press until it's meaning went from 'A Click that should have been a Bang' to 'A Bang any time except when the cops are shooting the wrong people'. Seriously folks, that is LITERALLY the OPPOSITE of 'Misfire'!

Anonymous said...

I thought mis fire meant you intended to fire and the weapon failed to fire. News media is not news. They are the criminally insane establishment propaganda base.

kahr40 said...

"Accidental discharge" "misfire" "AR-47" "the handle thingy that goes up" The media don't know shit about guns and can't be bothered to ask the proper questions to get their story straight.