Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ain't Working

Gun Free Zones, that is.
Gunmen Rob Students in College Dorm Room in North Carolina
This should be impossible since it's illegal to carry a weapon on campus in North Carolina, and God forbid we ease the prohibition on college campuses.


Sean D Sorrentino said...

Heh. I've got a post scheduled for tomorrow. NC State had a robbery on Hillsborough St a couple of days ago and Duke had an on campus robbery this weekend as well.

That gun ban on campuses is working REAL well.

Braden Lynch said...

Wait, what about the Level 10 Forcefields that are erected by the posting of those "no guns allowed" signs? They keep all firearms out of schools and other "sensitive places" so I am quite sure this event did not occur. It was unpossible!

kahr40 said...

There is no reason, in an environment where adult live, work and study, said adults shouldn't be allowed the means to defend themselves. There is no reason adults working in the public schools shouldn't be allowed to exercise their rights on elementary, middle, and high school campuses. Our rights don't end at some imaginary line. The threats sure don't.